Game of Pokemon: Episode 3

It started off with Lord Eddard Stark capturing a Mightyena. He didn't use a poke-ball, as they were not invented, but instead he got his sword and cut its head off so he could eat it. He then found a jigglypuff so he blocked his ears so he did not hear it's song. He then slit its throat and took it back to Winterfell  Pallet Town to eat. 
"Om nom nom", he said as he chewed on the jigglypuff meat.
One of his soldiers came up to him, he said
"can I have some" and then Ned replied,
"Fuck off bastard! Your mother was a fat-arsed whore!", he replied, and then the soldier fucked off.
Tyrion Lannister came and said to Lysa Arryn in the Eyrie
"when I was six i saw a Misty bathing in the river near her Gym, i stole her clothes and she was forced to return to Cerulean City naked and in tears. I closed my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing. When I was ten, i stuffed my uncles boots with pikachu-shit. When confronted with my crimes i blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and I escaped justice! When I was twelve, i milked my eel into a pot of magikarp stew. I flogged the one-eyed arbok, i skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry! Into the magikarp stew, which i do believe my sister least I hope she did". This one time i brought a miltank and a combee into a brothel...."
"Silence" shouted lysa Arryn.
Best fucking episode ever.